The End of Something Beautiful

It is the end of something beautiful.

Mai Tais on a patio overlooking

the sunset of the way things are supposed to be.


It is the end of something so safe.

The trajectory made with graphs and data

about how this generation will surpass

the last.


It is the end of something familiar.

The cause and effects of do this and then

these results will happen.


It is the end of something oppressive.

The net is removed from reliability,

sure, but what comes next can really

be crafted anew.


It is the end of something prescriptive.

The game has changed. the players, too.

And now there is nothing left to do, but

close those eyes and let the heart lead.


It is the end of willful disconnection.

Forced to be alone, survive alone, to turn a

blind eye.


It is the beginning of being together.

Using some old things and some new.

Looking inside while holding my neighbor’s hand.


It is the beginning of something beautiful.

Remembering the habits from before weren’t

working. Not for everyone. Another chance.


It is the beginning of something strong.

Carrying the stories of what came before

sharing the stories of what can be.

Listening and building. Together.

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